Video Memorials

Remember your loved ones as they were

A contemporary way to personalize a funeral service, wake or memorial service is to employ a memorial video or DVD. Adding a visual element to the service can provide a unique and particularly moving tribute to a loved one, while acting as a permanent memorial for the bereaved.

For those more interested in traditional funerals and forms of memorial, the idea might sound a bit tacky; but with the passage of time, the wounds of loss heal and the value of a video or DVD will become more apparent. For some, they can actually promote healing.

Video memorials are also a way for the terminally ill to add a personal element to their own funeral, if they choose to make one. They're easy to create and can provide an opportunity to say goodbye in a more direct way.

A Way to Remember
Some funeral homes offer video memorials as a part of their service; these can be very tasteful, adding to the bitter-sweetness of the funeral and memorial service. Watching a video allows mourners to remember all the good times they spent with the deceased and perhaps even see a side of them they never knew.

There are services that will help you to create your own videos and DVDs easily, and they can even transfer photos onto a video format for a moving slide show. These services use software that allows you to "clean up" images and restore bad or previously ruined photographs. Professional videos may also develop themed presentations that give your video or DVD a consistent look.

If you choose to have a professional video made, most of these services will cost less than $200 and will create a memorable tribute to the one you love.

Do it Yourself
You can also prepare your own personal video if you have the software, the equipment and the skills. It'll require some extra time and effort at an already difficult time, but you may have someone in your family who's well-suited for just such a task. Making a video may even help mourners with the grieving process, as they're able to help make the funeral, wake or memorial service that much more personal.

Before you commit to a video memorial, you need to recognize the individual tastes of family members and the other mourners. Sometimes a video memorial is too much for the bereaved to sit through during the funeral. Remember that funerals are meant as a ceremony for the living, so you have to keep the mourners in mind when you are personalizing your service with different types of memorials.
